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Primobolan Enanthate Australia


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Buy Primobolan Enanthate online – Buy Primobolan Enanthate Australia

Buy Primobolan Enanthate Australia. Primo enanthate is a medication used to treat anemia due to bone marrow failure. Known initially as metenolone enanthate, it was widely used in the United States in 1962. Europe then took over in marketing and rebranded the drug to Primobolan Depot. Primobolan enanthate weighs 344.48g per molecule. Buy Primobolan Enanthate online

The drug has a weak anabolic strength; hence, the drug intake is higher than other steroids. The dosage is taken in two categories, oral doses, and injectable doses.

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Oral Primobolan enanthate dosage

The dosage is taken in 100 to 150mg per day and no longer than six to eight weeks. This drug is for both males and females. For beginners, the drug is taken in 50mg to 100mg daily. It has an active life of four to six hours.

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Injectable Primobolan enanthate dosage

The dosage is taken with initial doses of 200mg, followed by 100mg twice per week for not more than six weeks. Beginners start with an initial dose of 400mg per week to achieve their goal faster. Intermediate users find Primobolan steroids weaker than other anabolic steroids; hence, they opt for higher doses. Advanced users use 800mg to 1000mg per week or more. It has an active life of ten to fourteen days.

The drug is a steroid, though it has low levels of anabolic strength. This means its effects are not as distinct as other steroids. The effects are

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Use of Primobolan enanthate in Bodybuilding

Primobolan enanthate is used for maintaining muscles while on a low-calorie diet. It is mild hence can be used by women, who don’t mind about the formation of excess estrogen. It also reduces breast tumors and improves the immunity of the body in HIV patients.

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Increased levels of Primobolan enanthate

This steroid has an effect of improvements in levels of testosterone, thus promoting sex hormones and luteinizing hormone.

A good fat burner

It is mostly used by runners to maintain muscle mass and body weight during off time. Though doping is considered cheating, the drug can be used under the right medical conditions.

– Buy Primobolan Enanthate Australia Raises red blood cells count in the body

Red blood cells transport oxygen in the body. With increased levels of oxygen come a higher level of stamina, faster muscle gain, and more energy and strength. Primobolan Enanthate powder

Primobolan is not recommended for children, pregnant or lactating mothers and people diagnosed with cancers, liver and kidney damages, high blood pressure or respiratory problems. The side effects are

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Enlarged Clitoris

Steroids bring along hormonal imbalance in the body. They increase the levels of testosterone in women, which then overpowers the levels of estrogen, leading to the increased size of the clitoris. Primobolan Enanthate powder

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Reduced testosterone

Testosterone is one hormone in our bodies that has been modified and remodified for the longest time. Hammering the body with more unnatural medication can lead to failure of particular body parts, including the scrotum in men. Thus reducing the ability of the balls to produce testosterone, a condition that cannot be reversed.

The drug is an excellent steroid, but the side effects overpower the benefits. Almost all users were satisfied with the outcome of the drug in the first year or two of using the drug. Then came in the side effects that led to many of them dropping the drug. The drug itself is illegal. Not many bodybuilders advise the use of Primobolan enanthate.


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